The Outjo Maower - this Cool Cat and his Donkeys were nowhere to be seen ...
... he'd probably gone looking for help after suffering a Blowout.
Hmmm, I wonder if I should translate that message?
Ok ... it says "I've got a F#%*ing Reputation" - in other words, he's The Man!
A family of Warthog scramble under a fence, startled by the approach of the car.
Entrance sign at Camp Mara - the Metal Birds depict a species of Parrot endemic to the area.

This Kudu Bull jumped two fences then crossed the road and jumped another ...
... this jumping habit of theirs is especially dangerous at night and results in many road accidents.
Desert Balloon flights - I'd love to go on one but they're way too expensive.

A Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk feeds on roadkill - it has obviously been captured by Researchers at some time - notice the Ring on it's leg.
A Sociable Weavers' Nest forms a Cradle in a desert Tree - makes me feel like singing a Lullaby to them ...
A pair of Bat-eared Foxes warily watch the passing car.
A wreck in the Desert - it looks like the car rolled before catching fire - someones Namibian Vacation in ruins.
Driving on Gravel can be treacherous - especially for the inexperienced.
'World's End' a Guest Farm in the Desert.
'Biltong' is dried meat, similar to American 'Jerky' - Namibia is a Carnivore's Paradise.
A Mad Max type vehicle - it appears to have pumping equipment mounted on the back.
A Cheetah runs away from the Road - it was after Sunset and I only managed a few blurry shots.
Daughter Megan is arriving in Cape Town from London this weekend and I'm fetching her from there - my Internet connection will be sporadic for awhile ...
Take care Friends.