A Quiver Tree with it's head in the clouds.
Southern Rock Agama - Males have a white stripe on the back during the breeding season.
A blow-up of the hind quarters of the Agama.
A bareback Horseman on the road.
Sociable Weavers' Nest.
The underside of a Sociable Weavers' nest.
A dead car with a cactus growing from it's nose serves as a Farm-entrance marker.
An Angulate Tortoise - this species is endemic to Southern Africa and occurs in the Southwestern areas of South Africa and a few kilometres into Southern Namibia.
Another view of the Angulate Tortoise - the delicate bottom scales make it look like it's wearing a skirt.
The Cat's Whiskers.
I allowed Mutt (the cat) into the house and left him with Stoffel grooming him on a desk - when I looked again Stoffel had chewed all his whiskers off.
Whiskerless Mutt looks even dumber than normal but it doesn't seem to affect him adversely - it was not the first time Stoffel had chewed his whiskers off - they've grown back again.
My apologies for not visiting your Blogs lately - I've had to deal with a death in the Family and also my broadband connection was down for a few days.
Tomorrow I'm going home to cyber exile again, until the beginning of December, (goodness! how time flies, it's almost New Year again) - October/November are the hottest months in Namibia but, with the weather going haywire all over the World, who knows what it will be like.
I wish you all good health and happiness.
Until we meet again.